We specialise in commercial leases and licenses.
A commercial lease is a legally binding contract which usually requires a lawyer to look after your interest , negotiate on your behalf or explain the terms of your obligations. Even for the sophisticated business client, it is advisable to have a solicitor look over your commercial lease.
Commercial leases are complex as there are no standardised documents, parties are free to determine the context of their agreement. The lease will contain your responsibilities and obligations.
We are able to offer a transparent fixed fee services and are able to protect your interests whether you are landlords or a tenant.
Our services include:
- Advise and negotiate heads of terms for commercial leases
- Drafting a commercial lease or reviewing an existing lease
- Granting and acquiring new commercial leases
- Assignments of commercial leases
- Register leases at the Land Registry (For leases over 7 years)
- Investigate titles and provide a report on title
- Advise on licences to assign and authorised guarantee agreements (“AGAs”).
- Licenses to use properties and easements